The owner of this website and service provider of the information society is CAPIL SOLUTIONS, SL (hereinafter CAPILCLINIC) CIF. B66946138, registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona, Volume 45772, Folio 208, General Section, 1st Inscription. You can find us at Paseo de la Castellana 91, 4º-1ª, 280046 Madrid-Madrid (Spain). Telephone +34 644 713 228 Email:
The services provided are performed by a Commercial Associate Agent number: 2437 of the Commercial Agents Association of Sabadell COAC.
The personal data that CAPIL SOLUTIONS, SL collects on its website, and in particular, the customer data entered during the contracting process, are subject to automated processing and are incorporated into the corresponding files, called “CLIENTS”, duly registered in the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
USERS The access and / or use of this CAPILCLINIC portal attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from said access and / or use, the conditions here reflected.
1.CAPILCLINIC, the website, is a platform where USERS can obtain information on hair transplants, diagnoses, treatments, clinics and hair transplant practices offering support and providing USERS who are looking for a doctor for hair transplantation. CAPILCLINIC also provides useful information on preparation for hospitalization, required documents, travel advice, etc. We also send to your email address, regular information on general topics of hair transplants, as part of the services offered … ( Terms and conditions )
The comments and advice can only be made by the USERS based on their personal experience and can not belong to an employee, employees, other authorized persons or family members of the CAPILCLINIC group of people. All information and representations must be made fully and truly with the necessary objectivity.
The client is obliged to remain cautious and respectful when sharing his opinions and experiences with other USERS. Any hidden or covert advertising from the customer or a third party is prohibited.
The Client will not load illegal content on the platform. This applies especially to content that is relevant to criminals (eg, defamation, defamation, racist or pornographic content), copyrights, registered trademarks, personal rights or other rights of third parties or that contain violations of the drug advertising or competition law. Likewise, content that violates the right to privacy protection, or otherwise the general right of third parties is prohibited.
Uploaded photos can only represent the USER and must be pixelated. A third party can only be shown in the photos, if they are not identified or if they have given express consent prior to the representation and use of the photo on the CAPILCLINIC platform. In case of dispute, the customer supports the burden of proof.
Links to third-party sites may only be uploaded by the client if he or she has previously ensured that the content of the rules of conduct and the consent granted as described in the previous paragraph is complied with. The USER must be aware that compliance with the rules of the platform is an essential part of the USER agreement. Therefore, in case of non-compliance with any of the above provisions. For these purposes the USER recognizes the right of CAPILCLINIC to cancel and / or delete the content at its discretion
Content Rights
The USER is solely responsible for all the content published by him / her on the platform. This also applies to your actions on the platform. CAPILCLINIC as operator of the platform will only examine the content and certain actions of the USER in a particular case when the infractions are visible, especially if there are complaints about violations of the rights of other USERS or third parties. The USER guarantees that he / she has the right to grant the rights to use the loaded content in accordance with those stated in the Terms and Conditions.
The USER undertakes to release CAPILCLINIC, employees or other agents from any liability and all costs (including legal fees required) in the first request, in case the USER is guilty of violating the guarantee obligations of the preceding paragraphs
CAPILCLINIC considers the protection and security of the personal data of USERS of great importance.
CAPILCLINIC undertakes to respect at all times the current regulations on the protection of personal data. The personal data provided by the USER in the registration form and, those provided in the future by virtue of the Offer Proposal, will be incorporated into a data file of character personal ownership of CAPILCLINIC that will treat the data of the USER for the management of the services detailed in the present platform, as well as for the sending of the bulletin CAPLICLINIC information and commercial information related to its services. The USER may, at any time, exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting:
The only data that is requested by CAPILCLINIC are: Name and Surname, email, and telephone. Likewise, CAPILCLINIC will treat the data to which it has access according to the instructions of the USER, not applying them or using them for purposes other than those established in this document. We inform you that your data will be treated with the confidentiality required in the regulations on data protection and with the security measures required in it.
Purposes The collection of data by CAPILCLINIC is made with the purpose of procuring the assistance of a doctor to carry out the hair transplant. We inform you that we will request your collaboration so that the information is as accurate as possible, accurate and complete in order to better diagnose and treat. The data requested is necessary, so that if they are not provided, it will not be possible to formalize the desired relationship. In the case of acting on behalf of minors or disabled persons, they will be asked to prove this condition, taking into account the property of the represented party. Also, the doctor may request photographs in order to better diagnosis and treatment.
In accordance with the provisions of EU Directive 95/46 / EC and Article 11 of the LOPD, we inform you that when hiring the products and services that we offer in our Platform, we must communicate your personal data (1) to the Suppliers of the services offered, who will be obliged to use their data only and exclusively to comply with the delivery of the product or the provision of the contracted service.
Once the service is finished, at the request of the USER, it will destroy or return to the USER all the information to which it has had access, except for those data that must remain blocked when there is a legal forecast that requires its conservation. We recommend you read our Privacy Policy.
Likewise, CAPILCLINIC informs that it complies with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and will request your consent to the processing of your email for commercial purposes at all times.
By virtue of the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Law on Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the articles is expressly prohibited. contents of this web page, with commercial ends, in any support and by any technical means, without the authorization of CAPILCLINIC. The USER undertakes to respect the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property owned by CAPILCLINIC. You can view the elements of the portal and even print them, copy them and store them on your computer’s hard drive or on any other physical medium, as long as it is solely and exclusively for your personal use. and private. The USER must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed on the pages of CAPIL SOLUTIONS SL.
9 Modifications. CAPILCLINIC reserves the right to carry out without prior notice the modifications it deems appropriate in its portal, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and services provided through it and the way in which they appear presented or located in their portal. The validity of the aforementioned conditions will be based on their exposure and will be valid until they are modified by others duly published.