
Hair transplant in Dallas

With CapilClinic

Maximum number of follicles

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– The only Mexican doctor with ABHRS certification.

What is hair transplant in Dallas

Baldness, also known as alopecia, is a very abundant problem seen in both men an women, even if the first are much more prone to suffer any kind of this disease. This means a gradual loss in hair be it complete or partially. For those that have any type of baldness, there are several methods they can go to, one of them being the most efective, which is the hair graft in Houston or hair transplant. Hair graft supposes a surgery in which the area affected by baldness is replaced with a donor area from the same patient, in which the hair follicles are exchanged do the growth in places where it didn’t occur anymore is now stimulated.

  • Androgenic alopecia: It it cause by a hereditary factor, as mostly men and sometimes women who are affected by this condition have family members that share it. It involves a extensive release of masculine hormones, known also as androgenic hormones, which cause the hair to fall in bigger quantities. Androgenic alopecia is the most common of all types, and it usually affects the density of the hair, men losing har specially around the inlets and women on the central part of the head.
  • Alopecia areata: Also being very commun, but not as much as the androgenic type, this kind of alopecia comes up mainly because of stress, affecting the hair follicles and making them fall and not grow back. It can also occur due to autoimmune diseases like lupus, type 1 diabetes and thyroids.

Besides this pair, we can also name other types of alopecia, like:

  • Difuse alopecia: Just like androgenic alopecia, difuse alopecia or telogenic effluvium distinguishes itself by diminishing density in the hair without any kind of pattern. It affects the health of the person’s head, as it is no longer strong and resistent as it should, being this time weak and thin, making it break and fall off easily, and after it does not grow back.
  • Scarring alopecia: Being a more paintul type of alopecia, scarring alopecia is the replacement of the scalp by scarring tissue, showing inflammation, reddening, scaling and buring.
  • Alopeia by traction: It’s biggest difference among the others is that this one is originated by the person’s habits and not by external factors. When styling the hair in too tense hairstyles that stretch the hair back, and keeping it like that constantly, gives as a result hair that breaks off die to the tension and the person losing more hair that they should.

Besides, it must be noted that alopecia is given a term depending on the type of area it affects, beign alopecia totalis, the most known since it’s the one that appears on the head; alopecia universalis where all of the body suffers from hair loss; or alopecia barbae, where baldness or patches are found in a person’s beard.

Baldness is an affliction extremely common in the american population. At least 5 out of 10 men suffer from it, if we tale men younger than 30; when the age increases, the number goes up to 8 out of 10 men. Women, even if they are not as susceptible to this condition, are not left behind, as 40% of women can also develop any of the types of alopecia mentioned before

Alopecia can come up due many other causes, not only due to heritage, stress or diseases, as are:

  • Excess of grease in the hair: Greasy hair that is nor adequately controled can result in the acceleration of hair loss. This is why it is recommended that the person constantly brushes the hair to distribute the grease among it, all along to the tips.
  • Poor nutrition: The hair is made of proteins, and it needs these and vitamins to keep itself healthy and resistant. When the person does not consume the necessary nutrients, the hair turns weak and breakable, falling in bigger quantities.
  • Inadequate styling: In this aspect we can name the excessive use of hats and caps, in this the grease is trapped in the hair as we named before. Hairstyles also go in this category, as they cause alopecia by traction. We can also find blame on the heat of hair dryes and straighteners, and dyes and other products that weaken the hair and affect it’s health.

Which are the techniques used of hair grafts in Dallas

Depending on the type of alopecia diagnosed, the surgeon will proceed to choose between two kinds of procedures, the one that represents the best result for the patient. A hair transplant in Dallas can last between 6 to 10 hours, turning it into a relatively lengthy surgery, also based on the type of intervention. The existent hair graft techniques are:

  1. FUT technique: Referred to as the strip technique, involves the extraction of a part of the donor area, with a width of approximately 1 centimeter and a length of between 15 and 29 centimeters. It is appropriate for any area and kind or severity of alopecia. This strip is removed for the donor area, which is usually the back part of the head, and is stitched in a way so the scar is imperceptible. Dividing the strip into follicular units, two or three hairs will be in every unit, to then transplant these to the area in need through tiny incisions, positioning them depending on the natural direction and density of the hair. The treated zones will be bandaged for at least two days. This technique reaches a natural result perfect for most cases of baldness, by also hacing the advantage that there is no need of shaving the hair before thr procedure.
  2. FUE technique: With the name of Follicular Unit Extraction, it differentiates from the previous technique in the way the follicles are extracted. If in the FUT technique an entire strip is taken out of the scalp, in this instance the follicles are removed individually, with an average size of 0.8 millimeters. This way of making incisions is called micropunch. The donor zone constitutes the area in which the hair will keep growin uninterrupted, and it is shaved before extracting the follicles, the area treated being the one with difficulties in this sense. The follicular units are placed hair by hair in their new optimal positions, usually the frontal or side part of the head, the most visible areas, and in less quantities in the least visible places.

At the end of a hair graft surgery, the area treated will be bandaged, and because it is an outpatient procedure, the patient will be able to return home the same day.

Who can undergo a hair graft in Dallas

The ideal patient in the cases of hair transplants are those that have been affected by the cause of baldness named previously and suffer from any type of alopecia. That us why it is recommended to people whose hair is beginning to fall or is already in the middle of advanced balding. Besides, there is a list of requirements gor any possible patient that, even if they are ot necessarily rules, if the person falls within this profile, the result for their situation will be improved. Said requirements are:

  • Age: The ideal age range is between 30 and 45 years old, because before turning 30 it is possible that the alopecia is still not completely defined, and those younger patients might have to undergo another surgery years later. For people older than 45 years old, it will be harder for them to recover the hair density even after the hair transplant.
  • Abundant donor area: For the receiving area to get a fair quantity of hair follicles, the donor area must be enough to hold the grafts and also grow again by itself after the operation. Without this donation, there is no way for the person to give the necessary hairs to the balding parts of the scalp, which stands between a successful result.
  • Good health: For any kind of surgical procedure, it is necessary that the patient has an optimal health, or at least do not suffer from any diseases that can compromise the procedure, or cause adverse reactions to the anestesia or are more vulnerable to bad scarring or infections.
  • No diseases: If the possible patient has alopecia due to skin diseases or the types of alopecia caused by strees like the areata or other psychological problens like trichotillomania, it is possible that a hair transplant is not the best option, and that they should treat the primordial causes of the baldness, with adequate treatments for their ailments.

Before a hair graft in Dallas

Once the patient has met with the surgeron to start to get ready for the hair grafts, the patient will be on the preoperative stare of the surgery, which is an important stage for the patient to keep an optimal state and guarantee a successful operation, which happens in any kind of surgical procedure. Not only the surgeon takes part in the procedure, but also tricologists, which are the experts on the scalp, dermatologists to examine the patient’s sking, and anesthesiologists to administer the local anestesia used before the incision or incisions. In the case of hair transplant, all the preoperative stage can last up to two weeks and can be done like this:

  1. A series of examinations will be done to show the patient’s and scalp’s health. Amog these we can find the tricoscopy, an essential part of the alopecia’s diagnosis, which is the analysis of the hair under a device that allows the person to obtain the necessary information on the state of the scalp. This does not need any kind of previous preparations, and is done “dry”, holding the device directly on the hair, or using a gel or special liquid to help with the analysis. Another way of analysing a possible patient’s hair is with a tricogram, where this time it will be necessary to take a sample, differently from a tricoscopy where there are no strands of hair extracted. With this strand, the specialist places ir under a microscope, paying attention to the shape and integrity of it. Sometime, it is only mecessary to cut the hair, while in others, where the root also has to be examined, the strand must be removed carefully by pulling it. Besides these, the surgeon may also request a blood analysis that controls the levels of glucose, sodium and potasium, hepatitis and AIDS tests and the general bleeding that can be produced during the surgery; and the clinical history of the patient.
  2. The patient must suspend medicines they might be consuming as treatments, mainly Minoxidil.and other anticoagulants, antiinflammatory drugs or suplements, as all of these can affects the blood circulation, dilute it or stop the pass of nutrents t the scalp, and this can provoque excessive bleeding during the operation. Like this, they must top consuming alcoholic beverages and smoking habits at leats a day before the intervention. It is also advisable to not cut their hair in any way before the surgery.
  3. The day of the procedure, the last steps pf the preoperative stage will be the use of the extracted blood of the patient, which went through a spin process to separte the rich plasma in platelets, and inject them in the scalp, which will allow the new hairs to correctly adap to their new positions. The next step will be to mark the desired shape of the hair, specially along the hair linlets, and select the donor and receptor one. Lastly, the anestesia will be placed in the areas involved, being the local type, as the patient will remain awake during the procedure. In a few cases a general anestesia is used, being in times when the patient is nervous and can compromise the treatment.

After hair grafts in Dallas

As it is known, the hair grafts is an outpatient operation where the patient will not recieve hospitalization and can return home the same day after ending the surgery. With this, the postoperative process begins, which is an important part that will determine the result of the hair grafts in Dallas. It is important that the person follows the recomendarions to take care of their health and the state of the area treated. The evolution of the postoperative stage would be something like this:

  • First days: The scalp or the area treated will be inflammed and be a little uncomfortable. The patient will need to avoid touching the area or brush it with any object, and will have to keep their head elevated, specially when they sleep, so the anestesia can be effective during the first night. On the second or third day the patient will have to return for a revision, where tje bandages placed after the intervention will be removed, and the hair will be washed for the first time.
  • First weeks: Scabs may appear on the area due to the incisions, which will last a couple of weeks until they fall by their own, which is why it is not a big worry, and the patient may also feel a slight itch on the scalp. Starting after the first week, the patient will be able to go back to their usual activities like working and return to their daily rutine.
  • First months: At this point, the hair will begin to grow naturally, increasing the density of the hair little by little. However, it is not until the fourth month when the hairs start growing stronger and more resistent, like the final result.

As time passes, the patient will be able to gain the right to cut their hair again, consuming alcohol and medicines like the ones named before. Like this, there is only left to wait for the results of the hair graft in Dallas to show

When do the result for hair graft in Dallas appear

Something to note with the hair graft in Dallas is that the results are not easy to get or immediate right after the surgery. This happens because the hair goes through the cicle of growth and fall for te hairs to get stronger every time and more like the ones on the donor zone. This way it is more resistent to falling. The patient will have to wait between 11 months to a year to get the definitive and desired result.

Despite the wait, the hair transplant in Dallas is an operarion that gives effective and natural results to the scalp or any area that was treated. This is why it works as an ideal solution for alopecia and baldness in general.

Risks of hair grafts in Dallas

This surgery is of low risk in comparison with other surgeries, but just like these it has a few possible complications, even though they are of low severity. Among these risks are:

  • Bad scarring: Specially likely in patients that are smokers, the scar that is made by extracting the donor area may look more visible and inflamed than it should, having in mind that the scar from a hair transplant is almost invisible.
  • Infections: Because of this incision in the scalp, there is a small chance that this might get infected and must get treated immediately, hindering the postoperative. The probability of this happening increases if the patient does not maintain a good hygiene.
  • Loss of sensitivity: Due to the fact that in this procedure the nerves of the scarring zone are involved, it can lead to a total loss of sensitivity in this part of the head, although it is very uncommon, as te majority of times it is temporary and the sensitivity will return after a couple of weeks.
  • Facial edema: The least common out of all the risks mentioned, it represents four or five percent of all cases, being a swollen face due to the leak of physiological serum used to diminish the bleeding. It is not permanent and would probably disappear after a couple of days.


Important points about hair grafts in Dallas

    • Results will be more visible and satisfactory in people with dark and thick hair, even more if they have curls. In people with thin and light hair, the procedure might not be as evident.
    • Some times, to get a hair transplant, it is necessary that the patient fulfills the hair loss process, so younger people or those that are varely beginning to show hair loss must have to wait before starting the procedure.
    • Is the area to be treated is concrete, it helps the transplant, and the opposite occurs ehen there is no specific focus and baldness is dispersed across the scalp.
    • The patient must not sustain sexual intercourse for at least two weeks after the surgery.
    • The option of getting hair grafts in Dallas must not be the first, and the person must make sure before that the kind of alopecia they suffer from cannot be corrected by any other means, like diminishing stress or fixing malnutrition.

    The long-term intention of hair grafts in Dallas is to completely eliminate patches of baldness of lack of density that alopecia can cause in people, improving their appearances and increasing their self-esteem.